The Old Gaza Municipality Building

Information about

The Old Gaza Municipality Building

Date of damage

20 January 2024

Details about the place

On January 20, 2024, On August 22, 2024, On December 22, 2023, Israeli occupation aircraft targeted Taj Mall in the center of Gaza City, partially destroying it and causing significant damage to nearby buildings and commercial shops. targeted and completely destroyed the Rafah Municipality building in the southern Gaza Strip. bombed the Gaza Municipality building located on Omar Al-Mukhtar Street in Gaza City, causing severe damage to the building's foundations, rendering it unstable and at risk of collapse. With every war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip, the old Gaza Municipality building suffers further bombing and destruction.

Despite the high risks and limited resources, Gaza Municipality continued to provide essential services to citizens. The Gaza Municipality's Emergency Committee prioritized four main areas: water, sewage, waste collection, and road clearance.

On June 11, 2024, the Israeli occupation targeted several emergency workers of Gaza Municipality, resulting in the martyrdom of five staff members:

  1. Engineer Anwar Sobhi Al-Jondi (54 years old)
  2. Zaher Hamdi Al-Haddad (41 years old)
  3. Sharif Omar Al-Jondi (33 years old)
  4. Ibrahim Zuheir Abu Khater (32 years old)
  5. Ahmed Ismail Al-Helo (24 years old)

Documentation of the crime

Watch the full details in the following video to learn the story as it was told.

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