Abu Al-Foul family massacre

Information about the massacre

Abu Al-Foul family massacre

Massacre date

12 December 2023

Number of martyrs

More than 28 victims.

Details of the massacre

On December 12, 2023, Israeli occupation aircraft committed a massacre against the Abu Al-Foul family by targeting one of their homes in Jabalia Camp, north Gaza Strip, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 28 victims. Among the victims were:

  1. Abdullah Al-Abed Abu Al-Foul
  2. Abdul Bari Al-Abed Abu Al-Foul
  3. Hadiya Al-Abed Abu Al-Foul
  4. Yasser Hussein Abu Al-Foul
  5. Asmahan Abdul Bari Abu Al-Foul
  6. Nasreen Hussein Abu Al-Foul
  7. Khitam Abdul Bari Abu Al-Foul
  8. Samiya Hussein Abu Al-Foul
  9. Hussein Abdul Bari Abu Al-Foul
  10. Islam Ahmed Abu Al-Foul
  11. Huda Imad Abu Al-Foul
  12. Suha Mahmoud Abu Al-Foul
  13. Firas Saleem Abu Al-Foul
  14. Amani Yasser Abu Al-Foul
  15. Tayseer Yasser Abu Al-Foul
  16. Hanadi Yasser Abu Al-Foul
  17. Lama Hussein Abdul Bari Abu Al-Foul
  18. Mohammad Osama Salman
  19. Abdul Bari Hussein Abu Al-Foul
  20. Youssef Ahmed Abu Al-Foul
  21. Youssef Amin Hamad
  22. Malik Yasser Abu Al-Foul
  23. Abdul Kareem Hussein Abu Al-Foul
  24. Ismail Abdul Rahman Abu Al-Foul
  25. Mohammad Ahmed Abu Al-Foul
  26. Leen Abdul Rahman Abu Al-Foul
  27. Raseel Ahmed Abu Al-Foul
  28. Khitam Baraa Abu Al-Foul

Documentation of the crime

Watch the full details in the following video to learn the story as it was told.

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