
Information about

Blachia Port (Anthedon)

Date of damage

7 October 2023

Details about the place

Ancient Port of Blachia (Anthedon) is an archaeological site located in Beit Lahiya, northwest of Gaza City. It is one of the most significant archaeological landmarks in Gaza and the Middle East, having served as the sole commercial port connecting Palestine with the ancient world. Its history dates back to the Roman period and continued through the Byzantine era. It was under the management of the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and was in the process of restoration to become a site for public visitation and a center for cultural and historical awareness.

During the genocidal war by Israeli occupation from 2023 to 2024, the port was destroyed due to Israeli shelling of the port and the surrounding areas.

Documentation of the crime

Watch the full details in the following video to learn the story as it was told.

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