Youssef Abdul Rahman Youssef Zeino

Information about the martyr

Youssef Abdul Rahman Youssef Zeino


35 years old.

Marital Status


Date of martyrdom

10 February 2024


Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, west of Gaza City.


Paramedic at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.

Circumstances of martyrdom

Israeli occupation forces fired a tank shell at the ambulance belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society and then ran over it with a tank. The ambulance was en route to rescue the child Hind Rajab, who was trapped in her family's car. The ambulance crew, including Youssef Zeino and Ahmad Al-Madhoun, was killed along with the child and her family. Only remnants of paramedic Youssef Zeino, no larger than a hand, were left. The occupation forces prevented the civil defense teams from reaching the victims for 12 days.

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