Al-Turuk family massacre

Information about the massacre

Al-Turuk family massacre

Massacre date

13 December 2023

Number of martyrs

More than 21 victims.

Details of the massacre

On December 13, 2023, Israeli occupation aircraft committed a massacre against the Al-Turuk family and their in-laws from the Hmaid, Dahshan, and Qudeir families. The attack targeted the family’s house near Al-Nour Stadium in Al-Sabra neighborhood, east of Gaza, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 21 victims.

The martyrs are:

  1. Ahmad Al-Turuk
  2. Mohammad Al-Turuk
  3. Basant Al-Turuk
  4. Basma Al-Turuk
  5. Noor Al-Turuk
  6. Moatasem Hmaid
  7. Mohammad Hmaid
  8. Moataz Hmaid
  9. Mohannad Hmaid
  10. Manar Hmaid
  11. Anwar Al-Turuk
  12. Adnan Qudeir
  13. Falah Qudeir
  14. Mohammad Qudeir
  15. Eman Al-Turuk
  16. Tareq Dahshan
  17. Twins Lauren and Dareen Dahshan
  18. Wateen Dahshan

Documentation of the crime

Watch the full details in the following video to learn the story as it was told.

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