
about us tr

We are an independent legal team working to gather information and document the acts of genocide and massacres committed by the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip.



1- Gathering Evidence and Proof of Crimes and Massacres: We focus on collecting evidence related to the crimes and  massacres perpetrated by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian families, including crimes against children, women, and civilians.

2- Documenting Genocide Legally: We document the acts of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation forces in  the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.

3- Raising Awareness of War Crimes: We aim to raise awareness about the war crimes and crimes against humanity  being committed by the Israeli occupation forces in Palestine.

4- Cooperation and Communication: We collaborate and communicate with all countries, institutions, and legal and  human rights organizations that support the Palestinian cause.

5-  Supporting Legal Efforts: We support legal efforts before international and national courts and work to provide the necessary legal testimonies to assist the Palestinian people in their pursuit of international justice.

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