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Default text This text is supposed to be a bit long to fit in with being a description of the title above. I am trying to make it long to fit in with being a detailed description of a title, but I cannot make it longer than that.

UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Palestine “Francesca Albanese”

Spain’s Minister of Social Rights “Ione Belarra”

Brazil’s Foreign Minister “Mauro Vieira”

The Security Council votes for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza under Article (99)

UN Secretary-General “António Guterres”

Irish MP “Matt Carthy” defends Palestine

WHO Spokesperson “Margaret Harris”

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to drinking water “Pedro Arrojo Agudo”

The Human Rights Council listens to testimonies from Palestinians regarding Israeli crimes and violations

The Director of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Palestine, “Ajit Singh”

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